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92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

The whole Gospel,
from the whole Church,
to the whole world
Till Calvary is maximized! Raising and equipping effective labourers to gather the harvest across the nations while it is day...
We are burdened

The harvest is plenty, but the labourers are few...

2,000 years after those words left the lips of Christ, not so much has changed. The harvest is still plenty; the labourers are still few. At Eternity Ministries, we are labouring tirelessly to see that change.



We are actively multiplying labourers in Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Kenya, Uganda, and other countries on the African continent.


Join a passionate community of believer driven by the convictions of Scripture to take the Kingdom of God and His righteousness across the continent of Europe.
North America

North America

Our work in North America is kicking off in the U.S. with believers seeking to maximize Calvary and bring in the revival, again.

Years of







Maximizing Calvary

While it is day...

Who we are

What we do

What you can do

Eternity Ministries exists to help all live with eternity in view. We seek to maximize the finished work of Jesus Christ on Calvary by preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, and by equipping leaders across the nations to take the Good News to all, especially to those who have never heard. Our 3-fold vision is to live with eternity in view, maximize Calvary, and raise other to do the  same.

A major part of our work involves equipping the Body of Christ to effectively engage the harvest. We do this by delivering carefully designed trainings structured to transform, inform and empower believers for Kingdom impact. We also focus on directly engaging the harvest among tribes that are yet to be reached with the Gospel through our Missions by Multiplication strategy.

There are several eternal causes at Eternity Ministries in which you can get involved. We would be glad to have you pray, give and go in the direction of Divine Priorities. You can  also get trained and equipped to better discharge your assignment both in the marketplace and in Christian circles. Through our itinerant ministry, you can have your group trained by our team of burning hearts. There's a place for you in this move of God!

Give to an eternal cause

Current Opportunities for Impact

Get Equipped

School of Divine Priorities (SODIP)


Gain proven skills for Kingdom-driven leadership in a rapidly changing world.


Understand how to receive and implement divine blueprints in life & ministry.


Grow in the operations of the gifts of the Spirit at work, church, home, everywhere.


You will be reignited for a more intentional and focused pursuit of God's agenda.

Latest Events

Upcoming & Just Concluded

Let's Multiply Together!

Your gift can accelerate the advancement of the Kingdom when deployed to causes that multiply.

Engaging the Harvest

Missions by Multiplication

We labour through diverse platforms to multiply the 7 key components of missions, and channel them in the direction of Divine priorities.

Multiplying Prayer
Multiplying Labourers
Multiplying Platforms
Multiplying Truth
Multiplying Resources
Multiplying Partnerships
Multiplying Fire
Our Mission

Our Mission

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Enim ut tellus elementum sagittis vitae et leo duisu ut. Amet dictum sit amet justo donec enim diames vulputate. Arcu felis bibendum ut tristique etuta. Sitonsectetur adipiscing pellentesque.
Our Story

Our Story

Enim ut tellus elementum sagittis vitae et leo duisu ut. Amet dictum sit amet justo donec enim diames vulputate. Arcu felis bibendum ut tristique etuta. Sitonsectetur adipiscing pellentesque.